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Digital Technologies Resource

This resource was designed for teachers to use in their grade 5-6 classrooms. The resource aims to address the following content descriptors;

Knowledge and understanding:

Examine how whole numbers are used to represent all data in digital systems (ACTDIK015).

  • recognising that digital systems represent all types of data using number codes that ultimately are patterns of 1s and 0s (called binary digits, which is why they are called digital systems)

  • recognising that the numbers 0, 1, 2 and 3 could be represented by the patterns of two binary digits of 00, 01, 10 and 11

  • representing whole numbers in binary, for example counting in binary from zero to 15, or writing a friend’s age in binary

  • exploring how division by two can be used as a technique to determine the binary representation of any whole number by collecting remainder terms

Processes and Production Skills:

Plan, create and communicate ideas and information, including collaboratively online, applying agreed ethical, social and technical protocols (ACTDIP022).

  • applying practices that support the organisation of collaborative problem-solving, for example finding online meeting times that suit all members, and agreeing on ways of protecting files and sharing information digitally with members

  • developing a set of ‘rules’ about appropriate conduct, language and content when communicating online, and using these rules as a basis for resolving ethical dilemmas

  • using a range of communication tools to share ideas and information, for example participating in collaborative online environments

The resource is intended to be used as an assessment task after a unit on the above content has been completed.

To access the resource please click the link below.

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